12×12 Sketch Challenge

My sister-in-law send me a link to the Jillibean Sketch Contest for December 2011.
I’m new to creating ideas for sketches, but have loved thinking about this and creating my page.

I had recently purchased some Bo Bunny Crazy Love12x12 paper. I used Crazy Love & Fudge & Flowers along with White and Pink Brazil Card Stock. The Buttons were from my mums sewing collection. I used my own embroidery thread.

This was the original sketch

And a picture of me scrapping.

Thanks for sending me the original link Liz, I’m looking forward to a fun year of scrapping and sharing ideas. x

December Daily – 30th

Tom had a friend from school around today. We went to the scooter park for an hour before it started raining. The kids then played happily on Toms new Tech Deck, lego and wii.

Only tomorrow left in the old year, what will 2012 hold???

December – 27th

This is what bank holidays are for… playing with the new toys that Santa brought. At the moment Daddy and Thomas are building the lego station.

(p.s. Thanks to Liz for the gift tags, they do make good titles.) x x

December Daily – 25th

Santa arrived. It was fun following Santa on norad this year.
It was a emotional but fun and laughter filled day.
Thomas loved playing with new lego train and games. Thanks to everyone for all of our presents.
Merry Christmas x x

December Daily – 24th

Christmas eve should not involve getting a taxi to pick up the second hire car…. all this insurance is confusing me. Enough now.
Spent the morning finishing the wrapping and cakes.
Finishing tiding the house, now off to dads for Christmas Eve to really start!! Whoop, whoop.

December Daily – 23rd

Yesterday was hard work.

am – me and tom spent the day chilling and cooking my mums choc cake.
pm- went to great grans to watch a xmas movie only for the did to break.
Picked Phil up from work and I went for a drink in town with friends. Phil thinks we have a flat tyre. He goes to quickfit to find out some of the tyres are illegal… nightmare begins…tow truck as its now out of hours and numerous telephone calls.
Thanks to Phils folks for picking tom and me up while Phil waits patiently.
Exhausted and end up in bed early.

December Daily – 22nd

Today was a visit to the see Santa in Sheffield with Aunty Clare .

Aunty Clare treated us to cookies and flapjack as we waited as patiently as we could in the queue. Tom practised remembering his very long list. Is such a priceless experience watching any child tell the very magical Santa what they want for Christmas. Tom’s eye’s shone while looking at Santa and talking about his list. Santa replied “there is much you don’t want young lad!!” Thomas couldn’t reply he was just happy to see Mr C!

Remember – always to test your stamping on scrap paper first, can you notice my mistake???